Pest Control Central Coast - We care about your family and home. Hancock Pest Control has been providing effective and safe pest control on the Central Coast for over 27 years. Menacing pests & wood destroying Termites have been plaguing families and homes for centuries. We are here to help our clients achieve minimal pest activity using safe, environmentally friendly & non-allergenic treatment agents. The health and safety of people, pets, and the environment are our focus on every service!
Pest Control Central Coast. Our Complete Home & Exterior Cockroach & Spider Treatment controls Large Cockroaches to the interior, roof & exterior & also Webbing Spiders to the Exterior of the dwelling. Treatment includes the Interior, Roof Space, Exterior, Colour-bond Fencing & Subfloor.
Pest Control Central Coast. We provide effective Treatment against German Cockroaches for both Residential & Commercial properties. Focussed attention is given to sanitation & hygiene along with strategic chemical applications. With our knowledge of the biology, habits and life cycles of these disgusting and annoying pests we are able to arrest and control German Cockroaches.
Lice are small, wingless insects that are parasites of birds and mammals. They are usually less than 10 millimetres in length and are rarely seen without the aid of a microscope or magnifying glass. Lice are short lived and usually host specific.A few species of lice have adapted to live and feed on humans, such as the head louse (Pediculus capitis), the eggs of which are commonly called nits and the body louse (Pediculus humanus).
Bed bugs are small, flat, parasitic insects that feed solely on the blood of humans while they sleep. Bed bug infestations occur around or near the areas where people sleep.
Bed bugs are not considered as a public health hazard. They are not known to spread disease, but can cause annoyance due to itching and loss of sleep. Sometimes itching can lead to excessive scratching and a chance of secondary skin infection.
Bed Bugs Factsheet
Black Widow or Black House Spiders. Black House or Widow Spider Black House or Widow Nest These are timid spiders with bites occurring infrequently, but may be quite painful with local swelling. Nausea, vomiting, sweating and giddiness sometimes occur. Use an ice pack to relieve local pain and seek medical attention is the symptoms persist.
The bite is dangerous and can cause serious illness or death. The male venom is more toxic than the female and initial symptoms include local pain, mouth numbness, vomiting, abdominal pain, sweating and salivation. There is an anti-venom available.
Bites are usually on a limb. Immediate action should be taken to apply a pressure bandage and immobilise the bitten limb by splinting. Restrict the movement of the victim. If possible, capture the spider for positive identification.
Bites usually result only in transient local pain and swelling. However, some Shield Huntsman Spider bites can result in prolonged pain, inflammation, headache, vomiting and irregular pulse rate.
An ice pack may relieve local pain, however, seek medical attention if the symptoms persist.
Mouse spider venom may be very toxic, but only one serious envenomation has been recorded, other bites causing minor effects. Funnel Web spider anti-venom may be effective.
Until more toxicity data is available it is prudent to treat as for funnel web spider bites, especially if the victim is a child. Where possible, collect the spider for positive identification.
St. Andrew's Cross Spider
Males are often much smaller than females and both are reluctant to bite. Symptoms are usually negligible or local pain only with numbness and swelling with occasional nausea and dizziness. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
Carpenter Ants are easiest to identify with a magnifying glass. But to do this, you first have to catch one of the quick insects so that you can hold it still under the magnifying glass to examine it. Here's how to catch and examine an ant:
Carpenter Ant Behavior
Carpenter ants do not eat the wood in which they nest but rather chew it with their very large mandibles to create galleries and connecting tunnels to nest in (termites, by contrast, do eat the wood in which they nest). The ants damage structures through the excavation of their extensive galleries and tunnels.
Carpenter ants tend to nest outdoors in dead and decaying wood, such as hollow and rotting trees, old stumps, and even firewood. They can also nest in homes and buildings, in enclosed areas where the wood is damp, wet, or decayed. If infestations grow, the carpenter ant colony may expand into sound wood. These ants have also been found in foam insulation. They usually have more than one nesting site, including a parent and satellite colonies.
Carpenter ants feed on proteins and sugars, such as meats, sweets (syrup, honey, jelly, etc.), and honeydew produced by aphids. The ants may forage in the home for food, but this will occur primarily at night in the spring and summer. They can't sting, but they can inflict painful bites with their powerful jaws, and they will spray formic acid into the wound, causing a burning sensation.
How to Know if You Have an Infestation
You may have an infestation if you have seen the ants in your home or building during the late autumn, winter, or early spring. However, one or two in the spring or summer does not necessarily mean that you a problem. Be aware that what look like flying ants emerging from your home in the spring may, in fact, be termites. Ants found in or near wet or spongy wood, particularly around leaky pipes, drains, walls or roofing, are likely to be carpenter ants.
Carpenter Ant Control
Carpenter ants are controlled with chemical or bait treatments, but the most effective and lasting form of control is replacing any wet and damaged wood in which the carpenter ants are nesting and to repair the conditions causing the damage, such as roofing or plumbing leaks or other moisture issues.
To help prevent future infestation, eliminate any direct contact between the structure and surrounding soil, plants, or mulch. For example, trim trees and shrubs away from the home or building, keep any wood materials from contacting soil, seal cracks and openings in the foundation, and store firewood well away from the home.
If the infestation seems to be extensive, you are having difficulty finding or exterminating the ants, or you just don't want to do it yourself, contact a pest control professional.
Carpenter Ant
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